Travel Blogger’s Life: How I Make money with My Blog

Hello everyone.

My blog 7 Continents 1 Passport just turned three years old.

To celebrate this anniversary, I decided to make this video to answer some of the most common questions people ask me and also tell you a little bit more about the travel bloggers’ life.

There are English subtitles on the video and below you can find the transcription. I hope you enjoy it 😉

Travel Blogger’s Life: How I Make Money with My Blog

YouTube video

The Subtitles Transcription 

You see me travelling all over the world and wonder…

Where does he live?

Who pays for his trips?

How does he make money with his blog?

Is his life really so wonderful??

Hi everyone, I’m Pericles and my blog 7 Continents 1 Passport is about to turn three years old.

To celebrate this anniversary, I decided to make this video to answer some of the most common questions people ask me and also tell you a little bit more about the travel bloggers’ life.

The first question is: Where do you live?

My followers know that when I created the blog, I lived in Brazil.

Then I started travelling abroad. I spent some time in Europe, then I went to Asia for 5 months. Came back to Europe, Latin America, Europe again and Africa.

But I don’t live all over the world as some people think.

I have a place that I can call home and that is London. Here in London, I have relatives and friends nearby

Also to travel from London to anywhere in the world is very cheap.

Who pays for my trips?

This is the easiest question to answer.

I’m the one who pays for my trips.

As I said, travelling from London is very cheap.

To have an idea, there are flights from here to Southeast Asia for less than 400 pounds. That’s less than 2000 Brazilian real.

From here to LA and San Francisco, there are tickets for 250 pounds.

And those are round-trip tickets, guys.

I could’ve paid 20 pounds for a return ticket to Madrid. This is less than 100 Brazilian real. With 100 Brazil Real in Brazil, you can’t even buy a bus ticket from São Paulo to Rio.

Some people think that there is someone who pays for my trips, some companies or brands, but it hasn’t happened yet.

By the way, if you know someone who wants to pay for my trips let me know, please!

Sometimes I work in partnership with hotels or tour agencies, in exchange for reviews and recommendations on my blog.

But nothing is for free guys.

If I stay in a hotel, for example, I have to write a review, take pictures, promote it on social media, etc.

It is not as easy as you may think.

In fact, is the travel blogger’s life as wonderful as it seems?

Some people think that the life of a travel blogger is amazing, just glamour and happiness because we are always travelling…

But it is not completely true.

Because we post pictures of our trips constantly on social media, some people have this idea.

But in reality, we spent most of our time seated in front of a computer producing content, editing videos, replying to emails, maintaining our websites, contacting companies to work in partnership with them, etc.

Sometimes I spend 10, 12, 14h in front of the computer and only have a break to eat, go to the gym and, of course, take a shower.

My eyes get red, my back and wrist hurt, it isn’t easy!

As with every single job, there are advantages and disadvantages to having a blog. And that is when the financial part comes in.

Many people ask me: How do you make money with your blog? Or What is your job?

Because they believe that having a blog isn’t a real job or that you can’t make enough money as a blogger to live on.

So, guys, I’m going to summarize the ways I make money with my blog.

The majority of my income comes from affiliate links. What are affiliate links?

When I write a post, I recommend hotels, tour agencies, car rental companies, travel insurance and sometimes even products.

If a reader clicks on those links and buys a product or makes a reservation, I receive a commission because the sale was generated through my site.

Just remember there aren’t any additional costs to the reader.

Sometimes we can even give you a discount.

For example, when you buy travel insurance through my site, you get 5% off.

Another way to make money is with advertising. If a reader clicks on an ad banner, we get a commission.

Other sources of income are:

– making a personalized travel itinerary. So, when you want to travel, you can contact me and I will draw up an itinerary for you for a very good price.

– sponsored posts. This is when a brand wants to promote its product on our website or social media channels.

Another way to make money with the blog is by doing an ad campaign. It hasn’t happened yet, but hopefully will in the future.

Now the last question that I get very often, especially from my friends: “Pericles, how can I help you?”

You can help me by following me on social media. It’s very important guys because every time I pitch to a company, the first thing they ask me is “How many followers do you have?”.

Sharing my posts on social media. It helps to promote my work a lot. Recommending my blog to your friends and particularly, when you’re going to travel, don’t forget to make reservations through my site. You can book a room, rent a car even buy travel insurance and remember that there aren’t any additional costs to you.

Can I count on you?

Thanks for watching this video until the end and don’t forget to subscribe, like it and share it.

See you next time. Kisses

Hi everyone, my name is Pericles Rosa from the blog 7 Continents 1 Passport.

Hi everyone, my name is Pericles Rosa from the blog 7 Continents 1 Passport.

The first question is Where do you live?

My followers know that… hm, I forgot it… Focus

Some people think that the life of a blogger is amazing, it’s just glamour and happiness because we’re always travelling and taking pictures everywhere… there is no such thing as taking pictures everywhere, I’m making it up now…

By the way, is the travel blogger life… by the way… ok, one, two, three… By the way, is the travel blogger life… Oh my goodness!!

Ok, other sources of income… my voice disappeared again… so funny, isn’t it.

– Yes, because you’re a teenager… it’s puberty…

Excuse me, it’s just there next to the orchid…

I can draw a “roUteiro” for you…

– It’s right, “roteiro”.

– I said “roUteiro”…

Thanks for watching.

Thanks for watching… nope, I have to be more enthusiastic…

I think I should move around a bit, not just stay sitting here, don’t you think so?

– Nope, I think it’s fine.

Singing a Carmen Miranda song….

– Nope, people are paying attention to the information…

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Travel Planning Resources For every booking made through my site I donate US$ 1 for a charitable organization.Safe travels ☺

2 thoughts on “Travel Blogger’s Life: How I Make money with My Blog”

  1. Hi Pericles!
    The video is very nice and everything you said is relevant.
    I’m looking forward to see your next post.


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